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Metatronic Life

Metatronic Life


Metatronic Healing® Practitioners Register - Information

Metatronic Healing Practitioners are listed on the practitioner register by country and region in alphabetical order. Scroll over the ‘Find a Metatronic Healing Practitioner’ main navigation bar to open the drop-down menu for countries. Practitioners can be contacted directly via the register and through their own practice and are also certified to offer distant Metatronic Healing sessions.

♦ About Metatronic Life and Healing 

♦ About 1-1 Metatronic Healing Sessions

Metatronic Practitioners Code of Ethics  

Metatronic Pathways Visual Map 

Metatronic Practitioner Pathway

Step 1:  The Foundation ‘Opening the Pathways’ 

Step 2:  Golden Alchemy


♦ Level I

Foundation Practitioner Training


Step 3:  Ancestral Songlines ‘Healing the Past’ 

Step 4:  Crystal Radiance 


♦ Level II: 

Advanced Practitioner Training


Step 5: Cosmic ‘Music of the Sphere’s

Step 6:  A Walk with the Masters

Step 7:  Sacred Senses ‘The Vitruvian Bridge’

Disclaimer: Metatronic Healing® is a complementary energetic healing modality. It is not a replacement for medical treatment. Please consult your doctor for medical issues in addition to any complementary healing you receive.