Metatronic Life

Metatronic Life

Metatronic Ancestral Clearing – For your Paternal Line – Wednesday 18th September 2024

£17.00 (incl. VAT)

With: Richard Farmer & Clare Glennon

Date: Wednesday 18th Sept 2024

Time: 8.00 pm – 9.30 pm  UK, BST / 3.00 pm USA, EDT / 12.00 noon USA, PDT

Joining Fee: £17.00 per person

Live Event: Via Zoom Via Zoom/or connect via phone

The full joining/connection details will be sent by email 24 hrs before the event – if you don not receive these please email Thank you.

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Metatronic Life Online Healing Series 

With Metatronic Teachers, Clare Glennon and Richard Farmer

Healing Focus – Clearing For the Paternal Line

This is the first of a 2 part healing, one for the woundings held in the Paternal Line of your family and one for the wounding held in the Maternal line. It can be taken as part of the whole or each as a stand alone session.

Those traumatic experiences of the Male line in the past, if not processed or healed at the time, but rather supressed or arced over, are passed on through the Paternal Line.  This Karmic wound sits deep in the system pulling us out of our true nature and into recreating or continuing the cycle until someone steps up to begin the healing.

Because of where Metatron is in Divine Reality, in this session it is possible to soften or in some cases release a whole structure of Karmic wounding held in the Paternal (father’s) line, thus not only freeing this wound or conditioning in those in the past but those in the present and future too.

This is a rare and unique opportunity to be touched and have your Paternal line touched by the healing power of this awesome Divine Intelligence that we know as Metatron.

This session offered to anyone want to come and experience the simple power, nourishment and healing, that is a Metatronic Healing.

About The Session

We be will guiding you through the movements of the healing session with Metatron so you can simply relax and receive, and allow the healing to unfold within and without.  We begin with a welcome and with a short grounding meditation and then we will give a brief introduction for the focus followed by the healing itself which is given largely given in silence. You will be invited to relax and receive this sitting or lying comfortably. There is no need to be watching the screen of your device at this time, within audio range is just fine.

The whole session duration from when be open will be 70 to 90 minutes approximately.

When you book you will receive a confirmation email form Metatronic Life to confirm you booking is completed. Another email will be sent containing the details of how to join with the session, this can be via your phone (local rate or toll free) sound only, your smart phone, your tablet, or laptop/computer.

Feel free to share this to your friends, or those who may be interested in participating. This an important time for all and to have this extraordinary help available at this time is of great benefit.

We do hope you say yes and we look forward to seeing you.

Best Wishes

Clare & Richard

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