Metatronic Life

Metatronic Life

About In - Person Metatronic Pathway Classes

Metatronic In-Person Classes

Before the lockdown in 2020, Metatronic Pathway Steps 1 – 7 were facilitated face-to-face in the UK, USA and some European countries. During this timeĀ Metatronic Life responded to furtherĀ developĀ the delivery of Metatronic Classes and events online, creatingĀ further worldwide access. Classes and events continue to be offered to meet this need. They are led by the two Senior Metatronic Teachers, Richard Farmer and Clare Glennon.Ā 

In addition In-Person Step Classes are now once more available. For those who have a preference for attending classes face to face, you can now take the pathway up to and including Step 5 led by Metatronic Teacher Gillian Goldfinch (Steps 1 – 5) and Raina Nahar (Steps 1 – 2) on the ground, in the United Kingdom.

Both the Online and In-Person classes have their own merits. Having the choice to participate in person is an option much appreciated by those who would prefer explore the Metatronic Pathway face to face. Ā 

So why might you choose an In-Person class?

In-Person classes provide the unique opportunity to meet both the Metatronic teachers, and fellow participants on the ground. During which an intimacy and depth is offered for each participant throughĀ the gift of the being able to bathe in the Metatronic Healing energies, Attunements and Transmissions, and holding of the Metatronic Group Field.Ā  This is further enhanced by the cohesion of those gathered in the group, all of which adds to support the process of the class.Ā 

For those who really appreciate the additional benefits it holds to be together or to take precious ‘retreat’ time away from home or for whatever reason this is well worth investing the time and logistics.Ā 

Classes are currently held in some well loved venues, which have been home to Metatronics for many years – London, Bristol, Birmingham and Malvern, UK and will be listed on the In Person Classes page as they are schedule.Ā 

Being able to share your class experience directly face to face with others forms connections and often long-lasting friendships – an opportunity to embody the Metatronic relationship further.Ā  Physical meeting and communication has so many positive benefits to enhance the experience, and you can bring your slippers with you!.

Each venue is chosen with accomodation at or nearby. The class teacher should be able to send information on travelling to the location and some options to explore on where to stay and amenities, should you require it.Ā 

Metatronic Pathway Classes in other locations?

The Metatronic Team are always open to meeting the need for In-Person classes. Should you have a group or network in your area, country that are interested, we would be very happy to connect with you about the potential of bringing the Step classes to your local area. Ā Please do get in touch to discuss this with us: office@metatronic-life.comĀ Ā 

In – Person Annual Metatronic Community Gatherings

Once a year the Metatronic Pathway community have an oppertunity to attend a three day special In-Person Metatronic event. These gatherings are open to everyone everywhere traversing any step of the pathway. The essence and sprit of this is to come together and deepen the weave, connectivity and embodiment of the Metatronic process, individually and together.Ā 

Meeting in presence for a class or a gathering brings a myriad of riches and benefits to everyone exploring the Metatronic work. Ā This is further enhanced by being able to take tea or meals together and have the time to commune over the days of the event. These are special occasions for all engaged in the Metatronic Pathway, and wholly enjoyable.Ā 


The gatherings are usually held in the late Springtime or Summertime in the Bristol, UK one year (close to the Airport and Rail links) in the USA the following year so that there is an opportunity for many students to be together. These events are facilitated by Richard and ClareĀ 
