Metatronic Online Class Repeat Fees for 2024 (All prices include VAT)
About Repeat Step Classes
Repeating classes is something we encourage because when a class on the Metatronic pathways is repeated, the understanding of that step, as well as the of its Attunements and Transmissions, which meet you exactly where you are, which will inevitably be in a deeper way.
This allows the use of the energies received more effectively, and in addition, the Metatronic energetic wiring is fortified and strengthened, which brings the benefit of becoming a deeper bridge. It is a good thing all around. Metatronic students are especially encouraged to review and deepen their experience of Step 3: Ancestral Songlines because it is such a vitally fundamental class. Discounted fees are available for students wishing to repeat a step class.
For Metatronic Students: 50% discount off the full class for repeating a step class.
For Metatronic HealingĀ® Associate Members: 66% discount for repeating a step class.
To Book an Online Repeat Class: Classes can be booked via the website and are listed Click Here to View Listing. Should you not find the class on the schedule listed as a repeat yet, please email [email protected] .
Repeat of an In – Person Class: To register attendance for an In ā Person listed on the schedule, please email the respective Metatronic Teacher directly to check availability in the class first. They will then confirm with you directly and how to book and this payment directly to them.
Students & Metatronic Healing Associates Class Repeat Discounts
Repeating a Metatronic Fundamental Class
Repeat Fee (50% Discount): Ā£22.50
To book with a repeater discount email Clare: [email protected] to request a coupon code to apply
Step 1: Foundation: Opening the Pathways (3-day class)
Full Class Fee: Ā£365.00
Student Repeat Fee: Ā£183.00
MHA Repeat Fee: Ā£122.00
Step 2: Golden Alchemy (4-day class)
Full Class Fee: Ā£485.00
Student Repeat Fee: Ā£243.00
MHA Repeat Fee: Ā£162.00
Step 3: Ancestral Songlines: Healing the Past (5-day class)
Full Class Fee: Ā£600.00
Student Repeat Fee: Ā£300.00
MHA Repeat Fee: Ā£200.00
Step 4: Crystal Radiance (5-day class)
Full Class Fee: Ā£600.00
Student Repeat Fee: Ā£300.00
MHA Repeat Fee: Ā£200.00
Step 5: Cosmic: Music of the Spheres (5-day class)
Full Class Fee: Ā£600.00
Student Repeat Fee: Ā£300.00
MHA Repeat Fee: Ā£200.00
Step 6: A Walk with the Masters (6-day class)
Full Class Fee: Ā£725.00
Student Repeat Fee: Ā£363.00
MHA Repeat Fee: Ā£240.00
Step 7: Vitruvian Bridge: (4.2-day class)
Full Class Fee: Ā£525.00
Student Repeat Fee: Ā£263.00
MHA Repeat Fee: Ā£175.00