Metatronic Life

Metatronic Life


Metatronic Healing® Practitioners Register - Information

Metatronic Healing Practitioners are listed on the practitioner register by country and region in alphabetical order. Scroll over the ‘Find a Metatronic Healing Practitioner’ main navigation bar to open the drop-down menu for countries. Practitioners can be contacted directly via the register and through their own practice and are also certified to offer distant Metatronic Healing sessions.

Metatronic Practitioner Pathway

Step 1:  The Foundation ‘Opening the Pathways’ 

Step 2:  Golden Alchemy


♦ Level I

Foundation Practitioner Training


Step 3:  Ancestral Songlines ‘Healing the Past’ 

Step 4:  Crystal Radiance 


♦ Level II: 

Advanced Practitioner Training


Step 5: Cosmic ‘Music of the Sphere’s

Step 6:  A Walk with the Masters

Step 7:  Sacred Senses ‘The Vitruvian Bridge’

Disclaimer: Metatronic Healing® is a complementary energetic healing modality. It is not a replacement for medical treatment. Please consult your doctor for medical issues in addition to any complementary healing you receive.