Metatronic Life

Metatronic Life

What is the Metatronic Life & Healing Pathway?

This path is made up of two aspects, Metatronic Life, your spiritual development, and Metatronic Healing, the gifts used for healing yourself and others.  They are at the same time, two paths, and of course deeply related.  It depends upon what your interest is, whether it is for healing or self development.  Whichever it is, you begin at the beginning.

The beginning is Step One – The Foundation, which generally is offered each February and September each year, please see the Book An Event above. 

We recommend participating in at least one of the Metatronic Fundamentals by way of immersion into Step One. This offers a felt sense of the teachers and how the Metatronic gifts are delivered and received allowing you to ease your way in Metatronic Life & Healing. You can now also take and retake the Fundmentals as they cycle around through a year event schedule. 

In total there are seven Metatronic Steps, and each one is designed to help you with your spiritual evolution. Metatron indicates a pause between these Metatronic Steps of five to ten months, to allow for integration which is most beneficial to each persons process.

Below you will see a description of the ‘Metatronic Fundamentals’ and then each ‘Metatronic Step’.

There is no rush. Some participate faster and some take it slower pace.  All you need to do is simply take the steps and each step leads to the other, bringing new insights, empowerments and healing to your whole system. It will become clearer to you as you go on if pathway is one of Metatronic Life or Metatronic Healing or of both.

Whatever you decide Metatron has designed this as a series of steps along a pathway with each one given in a sacred sequence that guides your development and so it is fundamentally important that they are taken in their ascending order and that there is time in between for your integration process.

We look forward to welcoming you and supporting you on this wonderful, profound journey.  To see what’s on offer on the ‘View Event Schedule’ and you will then see all the Metatronic events, classes and Steps on offer.  For securing you place, follow the “Book Here” link.

The Metatronic Pathway is as follows:

Metatronic Pathway

The Metatronic Fundamentals - Read More

The Metatronic Life & Healing® pathway online begins with Step One – the Foundation A way of preparation for this is to participate in one or more of the 'Metatronic Fundamentals' classes. Metatronic Life & Healing Sessions are a fuller immersion. By way of illustrating what a Fundamental offers is that a Metatronic Healing session perse give you the warmth of “fire”; whereas a Metatronic Fundamental class gives you the “fire” directly. This is the gift of a direct energetic empowerment and connection with Metatron and Metatron’s Personal Path of Healing and Spiritual Evolution. During each of the classes, you are introduced to the Metatronic Healing Pathway, receive the transmission of the specific Metatronic Fundamental, and receive a healing based around an aspect the fundamental. The Three Fundamentals are Divine Grace, the Complete or Balanced Feminine and the Complete or Balanced Masculine. Each of these contains a balance of all three whilst emphasising, balancing and offering healing for the one concerned. The Fundamental prepare the ground for participating in the Seven Steps, which are outlined below.

Step 1. The Foundation: Opening the Healing Pathways - Reconnecting you to your Essence

The Foundation. Through seven attunements and transmission, you are reconnected to the divine aspects of your true being. This class also gives you the healing tools which make up the foundation of Metatronic Healing techniques.

Step 2. Golden Alchemy: Rebuilding your - Tree of Life

Through life’s challenges, our trust in Life and our connection with nature is shaken and in some cases, broken. This step re-makes your "Tree of Life", re-fortifies your energetic system.

Having been connected and strengthened by the first two steps you are now ready for the three major healings as follows..

Step 3. Ancestral Songlines: Healing the Past

With the grounding of the first two steps, we can begin three major clearings, starting with your unconscious conditioning and wounds, family patterns and personal history.

Step 4. Crystal Radiance: Healing Emotions

Crystal Radiance is the second major clearing using 13 attunements and transmissions which bring healing to reactive negative or toxic emotions.

Step 5. Music of the Spheres - Healing Mental Positions

The Cosmic step is the third major clearing focusing on our mental positioning, the freeing of which leads to the blessing of radical forgiveness.

You are now ready for the new imprint from those that have walked and completed the path before us.

Step 6. A Walk with the Masters

Bringing the matrix of Metatronically chosen masculine and feminine masters into the weave of our Being to deepen our connection to Divinity.

Step 7. The Vitruvian Bridge

After the sixth step, we are now ready to dive, both into the deep mystery of the Divine, and back to Earth, via transmissions and attunements of the elements.

There is one more step that can be taken very early on for those that wish it, the path of Metatronic Awakening.

The Metatronic Awakening Stream

For all those that have taken Step One – The Foundation: Opening the Pathways, there is the possibility to experience the Metatronic journey into Awakeness. It is deep, liberating, profound, simple and mysterious. It is offered annually in November on UK timing, and in January on US timing. It is designed to support you in your spiritual unfolding, opening the space for you to say yes to the truth of who you are.

With the completion of these 7 steps, you will have over 65 different healing energies to use in a healing meditation for yourself or others.

The Metatronic Practitioner Pathway

The Metatronic Healing Practitioner Pathway

For those that have taken Step One – The Foundation: Opening the Pathways, and Step Two - Golden Alchemy and this training pathway becomes an option stream. Metatronic Pathway