Metatronic Life

Metatronic Life

Metatron’s Arc – Helping to make a difference: Tuesday 18th March 2025 – 8.00 pm GMT, UK

£0.00 (incl. VAT)

Join Metatron’s Arc for World Peace

With: Richard Farmer & Clare Glennon

Date: Tuesday 18th March 2025

Times: 8.00 pm UK, GMT / 4.00 pm USA, EDT & 1.00 pm US, PDT (Daylight Savings USA) 

Joining: Register Free 

Online Live Event: Connect via tablet, laptop or computer.

A booking confirmation will be sent confirming your place.  Full joining/connection details will be sent by email from [email protected] within 24 hours of the date of the event – if you do not receive these please contact Richard – Thank you.

Free Event: Metatron’s Arc – Helping to make a difference  

Metatron’s Arc – The need for some healing & holding for all the turbulence and change that we are experiencing at this time.  Whether it is Climate Change, Politics, Economics, Food Production or Health it is easy to see there is a need for some holding.  All are welcome as we can call make a difference together!

Please share this event with friends or those who may be interested in participating  – Thank you so much

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Metatron’s Arc – Helping to make a difference 

Metatron has let us know that this crucial period is the time for another Metatron’s Arc and the need for some healing & holding for all the turbulence and change that we are experiencing.  Whether it’s Climate Change, Politics, Economics, Food Production or Health and more, you cannot fail to see the need of some holding.

As some of you know from attending our online sessions, we have been including a world blessing at the end.  Many have mentioned how beautiful this is and how much they appreciate being a part of this.  On the back of this, recently, Metatron, has indicated, there was a way, that we can further help this process.  We, being those in the Metatronic Community and anyone interested in joining with us to help humanity and the world we live in Arc across this time of difficulty. We are calling it “Metatron’s Arc”.

All you have to do is to show up and give your time for about 40 minutes.  We will invite each of you to feel into which ever aspect that you are connected to or interested in that you feel needs holding in this time.  Then, within the holding space of the Metatronic Group Field and your intention, the healing energy that Metatron brings through will support change for the aspect you are concerned about.  There is nothing you need to do other than give your understanding and presence.

If for some reason you don’t have a particular interest, then you can simply elect to be part of the process, bringing your heart, concern and love for this time and this place.

We will explain the process at the beginning of the sessions and give you clear indication of what is happening as it happens. It is going to be a beautiful thing to do.

Please feel most welcome to spread the word of this event to friends of those who you feel may be interested in participating – Thank you.

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